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Weight Loss Myth

There is a misconception prevailing that one cannot sleep too much or after meals if one wants to lose weight. The actual problem is not sleep, the problem is that we eat too much and do not allow the body to digest it effectively.

Quantity and Quality of Food is Important

One of the most important aspects for weight loss or weight management is the quantity of food we eat and the quality.

By quantity we mean one should eat only till one is 70% full. Never go up to 100% or more. Even within this, one-third of our diet should be healthy liquids.

Quality means healthy food for most of the time. Complex carbohydrates, whole grains, dairy, fresh vegetables, soups and fresh, good quality non-vegetarian food.

Role of Sleep

When we sleep well, the body gets a better chance to digest and absorb the food well and provide the vital nutrients to all the organs in the body via the blood stream. Even sleeping or lying down after meals actually do not increase weight. In fact, the reverse may happen.

How To Sleep for Weight Loss

After lunch and dinner, try and lie down on your left side for thirty minutes and relax. All your digestive organs are on the left side and most of your blood flow needs to diverted to the stomach and related organs for at least an hour or two after meals.

If you start other activities immediately, then essential blood flow and the body’s energy gets diverted to other areas. This results in partial or incomplete digestion. partial digestion leads to building up of excess fat molecules in the body.

Sleep After Meals is Natural

This is the reason why we all feel lethargic or sleepy after meals. It is nature’s mechanism to make us lie down and relax so that digestion can be completed.

Therefore, you observe in all ancient cultures and even in many places today, there is the concept of an afternoon siesta. Once our digestion is almost done, we feel fresh and more energetic and can work better for the rest of the day.

So start getting into the habit of relaxing or dozing off on your left side after lunch and dinner, whenever possible for you. To get great weight loss diet plans, write to me on and also visit

By Team Wellzee | April 12th, 2018 | LEAVE A COMMENT

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