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Let your Mood Swings Take a Walk with Yoga

With the recent changes in our living patterns, our health has been dramatically affected. A healthy person is one who has a sound mind, body, and soul, but with the adverse effects of changed living patterns, we are now faced with stressful events, unclear mind and state of distortion most of the time. This is just because we overlook the health hazards of stressful living.

Yoga is one of the proven ways that help people in rejuvenating to one’s senses and creating a balance between reality and illusions that are manifested by our mind. With an unsteady equilibrium, no individual can perform their functions effectively and thus loses control over their persona. Yoga is one such way to preserve the energies within and restoration of the balance is maintained.

Mood swings and distorted sense of living is the by-product of an unhealthy life and can tarnish our social and personal life if not tamed at the initial stage. Yoga is said to be the most natural and instant cure for uneven mood swings.

Here are few yoga poses that are scientifically proven to relieve one from unnatural mood swings-

1. Nadi Shodhana Pranayam– Alternate nostril breathing

Inhale the positive energies and breathe out the ones that create negativity. This simple breathing exercise is one of the most powerful technique to unblock the channels and acts as a natural mood stabilizer. This asana tends to unlock the chained energies thus calming the mind and eliminating mood swings.

2. Uttanasana- Standing forward bend

Man Yoga Practice Pose Training Concept

The asana is illustrated as bending in the forward direction and touching your foot. Uttanasana is believed to work on your hamstrings and calm your mind. Yoga professionals instruct individuals with hypertension and depression to practice this asana as it helps in restoration of the peace of mind and lowers the chances of mood swings.

3. Shishuasana- Child’s pose

The illustration of this asana is depicted as a relaxing child pose. This asana is beneficial for people suffering from backache, constipation and is very good for curbing the ill effects of mood swings as it calms the nervous system. However, a pregnant woman must avoid this pose.

4. Bhujhangasan- Cobra Pose

Commonly known as cobra pose, this asana is crucial in eliminating stress and fatigue. This asana enhances flexibility and strengthens muscles while restoring calmness and minimizing mood swings.

5. Shavasana -Corpse Pose

Corpse pose is the one asana that relaxes the whole body and mind without moving a single muscle in the body and with a blank mind. This makes it the most challenging asana as we humans tend to think and act on the actions of our mind.
This asana is administered as lying flat on the ground like a corpse and helps in reducing headaches, mild depression and calms the mind, body and the inner spirit.

Yoga is a centuries-old methodology and a proven scientific way that helps us restoring the imbalances in our lifestyle caused by various internal and environmental factors. Mood swings and losing the sense of self-realization can be treated effectively by practicing Yoga.

So, let us focus on eating healthy, meditating and relishing each day of our life!

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By newblog | October 3rd, 2018 | LEAVE A COMMENT

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