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5 Yoga Poses to Undo the Damage of your Desk Job

Your job might be killing you?


This statement can actually turn out to be true in the recent working structure we have got yourself into.

Strict schedules and job-induced stress seems like a significant plot breaker when it comes to our well-being and our career. One dangerous colleague that is always present around in our working space is Sitting.

After smoking, sitting is the most common thing that is hampering our well being and killing yourself slowly but steadily. Researchers have given it a more scientific touch and linked the ill effects of long sitting hours to deskbound routines which in turns lead to heart diseases, diabetes, acute backache and studies that revealed that shorter lifespan is due to our sitting culture.

People who are involved in sitting jobs have revealed that sitting over a system for hours contributes to uncommon tightness in the hip area and legs, acute discomfort to neck and shoulder region along with severe spine issues.

Here are some easy Yoga poses that can help you combat the work stress and provide a physical flexibility-

Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

Allow yourself some moments of relief and combat the stress of the long working day with Tadasana. This is a powerful exercise that focuses on your back and chest. Mountain pose is an excellent pose to free up the tight chest muscles and provide flexibility.

Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

Fish pose is an excellent pose to reduce tension and is a therapeutic asana that helps fight fatigue, stress, and anxiety. Long working hours might satisfy your financial needs and gives a footstool for a sustainable lifestyle but depletes one from their well being if ignored. Matsyasana is practiced to release tension in the most functional areas like the neck, throat, and head and opens up the lungs for unresisted breathing.

Cat & Cow Pose (Marjaryasana & Gomukhasana)

The Marjaryasana & Bitilasana are one of the useful yoga asanas of all times and are a great stress busters. These asanas is an effective headache reliever and improves immunity. It also helps bring relief to your always strained back and painful neck. Cat and Cow pose brings great comfort to the neck area and brings the vertebrae back to homeostasis if practiced continuously.

Slow Neck Stretches

To combat neck ache with constant sitting hours and staring down at your system, yoga practitioners recommend a few rounds of yogic slow neck stretches. Our neck is the most sensitive part and is exposed to constant damage while we sit and work for long hours.  This is a simple exercise and can be practiced while standing in your cubicle.

Brahmari Asana

This breathing technique is a perfect antidote after a long, stressful day at work. Sitali breathing is practiced to release tensions out of the body and bring in positive vibes for our mind to feed on it. Breathing exercises are recommended to people who are easily distorted and have a hard time managing their temper.

Career is important and financial security is essential but as the old phrase goes- “Health is Wealth”. A healthy being is more vulnerable to catching the opportunities and acting on it. So get ready and live it out!

By newblog | October 14th, 2018 | LEAVE A COMMENT

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