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Archive for the ‘Yoga’ Category


By Team Wellzee | March 3rd, 2016 | LEAVE A COMMENT


Diabetes Background

The World over, Diabetes is becoming a major challenge. This is especially true in USA, India, South Asia and some Mediterranean countries. Diabetes is no longer restricted to those who have a genetic predisposition. It is now a full fledged ‘lifestyle disease’ and can happen to anyone even if you do not have it in your genes. Given the upcoming American Diabetes Awareness Day, it is important to know the causes for Diabetes, which has also been known as ‘madhumeha’ in ancient Indian texts.

Causes For Diabetes

Diabetes is not linked to your weight at all. Even thin people can get diabetes. Apart from genetics, there are many reasons for Diabetes. Some of them have been listed below:

  • Incorrect eating and sleeping habits and overeating.
  • Lack of physical activity and exercise of some form.
  • Air pollution is now established as a major cause which can cause metabolic changes and cause diabetes.
  • Pollutants and hormones in foods, especially in processed non-vegetarian foods and vegetables grown using chemicals.
  • Combining certain food groups causes diabetes. A prime example is combining beef or red meat with diary products, milk or yogurt.
  • Stress is a major game changer and can cause blood sugar imbalances.
  • Alcohol even in moderation and substance abuse cause insulin imbalances.

Why Worry About Diabetes

Diabetes by itself is not a disease in that sense. It is actually a symptom that the there is an imbalance created in the body. There is something which has gone wrong and we need to correct it. If we do not take action to change our lifestyles or eating habits, then a lot of other diseases can occur. Diabetes is the gateway to ill health. Therefore, controlling your sugar or correcting the Insulin – glucose imbalance is important.

Diabetes Is Curable Or Reversible

Till now the popular belief was that once you get diabetes, it remains with you forever. However, this is not the case. There are many interventions available in conjunction with your regular medications that help to correct or improve diabetes. A lot of these are alternate therapies like naturopathy. Ayurveda also has a lot of good medicines for diabetes. One of the best ones is methi seeds, also known as fenugreek seeds. Eating these in various forms helps bring blood sugar in control.

In many cases, effective management of the condition ensures there is no deterioration of health at all and in fact, many diabetics are more healthy than even non-diabetics. This is because they take corrective action and become more disciplined. It has been therefore seen that diabetics who take charge of their health live longer and more healthy and also do not get any cardiac problems. 

Yoga And Diabetes Research

There has been a large amount of research done now on Yoga and its impact on Diabetes. There have been multiple studies done in India which show that most diabetics manage to reduce their blood sugar in just six months of regular practice. Most of them reduce their blood sugar by half and more than a third reach normal sugar levels. Many of them are able to reduce insulin in case of type 2 diabetes and many of them go off insulin, totally. Some are then only able to manage with a tablet a day. 

There has been a recent cohort study concluded by Jaslok Hospital in Mumbai with astounding results. Persons with borderline diabetes or pre-diabetics reverted to normal or did not deteriorate for as long as ten to fifteen years; without any medication! They were only taken through a Yoga program and had to practice it regularly. Regular practice means at least four to five times a day for a minimum of six months to a year in a row. 

All of this clearly underscores the importance of Yoga for Diabetes. There are many teachers and asanas and techniques which one can practice for diabetes. However, two of the best practices are given below.

Of course you need to practice a proper Yoga for Diabetes program for a few months. If you like the videos above, then you may opt for the online yoga for diabetes program to take charge of your sugar levels. 


By newblog | January 1st, 2016 | LEAVE A COMMENT



Centre for Sight :Raising awareness against Cataract; Major Reason of Blindness in Adults

New Delhi ,December 2015:Imagine a morning when you wake up and can hear the chirping of the birds but can’t see them. Imagine a life where there is no autonomy and you need help and guidance at every juncture. Imagine a life in which you cannot experience the beauty around you, you cannot see how the world looks. The mere thought of losing the gift of sight shakes our innards and helpless. A person’s eyesight is not just another sensory phenomenon, but one of the most important and coveted one. Blindness is at times congenital and at others due to some disorders. The former is not in our hands, but the latter most certainly is. By just creating wakefulness and making people aware of the eye diseases that can estrange us from the gift of vision, we can make a huge difference.

Cataracts are one of the leading causes of vision loss in Indians and also a principle cause of blindness in the world. As a matter of fact, there are more cases of cataracts worldwide than there are of glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy combined. This clouding of the natural lens of the eye is most prominently because of ageing, but other factors such as diabetes, obesity, injuries, heredity are also guilty of causing cataracts.

At first, symptoms like blurry vision, fading of colors go unnoticed at times, but with a gradual increase in time these symptoms can cause umpteen limitations in the daily activities of the individual and can cause permanent blindness.

Although it is possible to lower your risk of developing cataracts, it is not 100% preventable. Comprehensive eye examination in every two to four years by middle-aged people and in every one to two years by people who are 65 and older is recommended to catch the problem in early stages and have easier treatments. On a personal level, you can stir some minds by engaging family and friends to attend cataract screenings, donate and join campaigns, issue flyers, posters about cataract and promote cataract awareness.

Centre for Sight is an integrated health care system committed to providing notable care, conducting transformative research, and advancing biomedical education in the arena of eye care. Structured around 45 centers across the nation, CFS has a far-reaching network of doctors, staff and advanced medical procedures. With amenities for blade-free surgery, phacoemulsification, femtosecond laser assisted and micro-incision cataract surgery, we are at the forefront with our progressive technology in eye care that has resulted in improved vision outcomes in many. Automating the most central steps in cataract surgery guarantees bare minimum pain & maximum precision and also ensures a nippy surgery and recovery.

At Centre for Sight, WE care for EYE CARE.

For further details please contact :
Abhishikta Banerjee @9717723426/01-41031303
Joshika Kapoor @ 9810372021


By Team Wellzee | December 27th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT



Across the world, the entire focus is on exercise and remaining fit and healthy. Due to this, there is a proliferation of health initiatives, gymnasium chains, mobile applications and diet experts. The mantra being given is, ‘more is better’. As a result, the ones who do start exercising try to do a lot. They run more or cycle more or ‘push’ more when they are doing weight training. More and more people are taking to running marathons or becoming obsessive about their daily exercise.


However, more exercise is actually harmful for us. So preparing and running for a marathon will cause long term health problems. Cycling or swimming for hours or working out a lot is as harmful. Now this seems like something which we may not believe. However, there are many studies which clearly show the ill effects of exercising beyond low to moderate levels.


There are many studies done of the effects of intense or long drawn out exercise. However, the following three latest studies really nail the subject:

a) British Physicians Study

The study conducted by British physicians and was presented at the European Society of Cardiology. They found that athletes who ran less than thirty five miles a week had lower levels of artery calcium and much lower risk of heart attacks. All those athletes who ran more than this in a week had much higher artery calcium and their risk of heart attacks and strokes was much higher than even a lot of sedentary people. They also had higher heart rates.

b) College of Cardiology, Denmark

This study presented by researchers showed that those who ‘pushed’ their bodies actually reverse the benefits of exercise. They found that those who ran at a brisk pace for more than four hours a week had the same risk of cardiac and health problems as sedentary people. Conversely, those who ran at a steady pace for up to a maximum of two and a half hours a week were healthy.

c) Research in Taiwan

There has been another interesting study done in Taiwan and was reported in the Lancet. It states that exercise helps health and longevity. However, the benefits of exercise plateaued at a maximum of forty five minutes a day.


The question we may ask now is why does more exercise either in terms of duration or intensity actually harms us more. There are many reasons why this happens, some of which are given below:

a) The body metabolism undergoes a change which may not be aware of. This leads to under nutrition or over nutrition, both of which are harmful for the body.

b) The risk of injuries to the muscular and skeletal systems (muscles, bones, ligaments, tendons, joints), increases dramatically. Wear and tear all increases leading to arthritis, aches and pains in middle ages.

c) There is a drop or imbalance in hormones. This causes a lot of problems. In many cases, it leads to reproductive issues in women and also stoppage of monthly periods.

d) Over exercising leads to weakening of the immune system. This leads to more colds, flu, infections and illnesses.

e) Sleep patterns are disturbed due to excess adrenaline and this also impairs emotional and cognitive functioning.

f) More exercise causes actual stress. Stress has been definitely found to lead to increase in not only abdominal fat but also diseases like strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attacks and cancer.

All of this tells us that anything in moderation is fine and it is even more important to listen to your body. ‘Pushing’ or doing more which is touted and glorified by everyone these days is actually killing you slowly.

However, if you want to be really 100% safe with only benefits and longevity and zero side effects, the only solution is authentic and traditional yoga from India. You will find the most genuine, safe and and effective online yoga programs only on


By Team Wellzee | December 24th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT



The world over, there is an increase in medications to manage pain. From paracetamol to morphine and more advanced medicines; are all used to manage chronic or momentary pain. Pain medication could be over the counter or prescribed by doctors based on specific conditions. It is also administered during or after dental procedures and even surgeries to reduce or eliminate pain. Most of these medications work by numbing the sensations or the nerve endings. Some are harmful in the long run and some may not have too many side effects. However, all medication will tend to have some side effects in the long term or short term.

Another problem is getting used to such medication and become psychologically dependent as well. So all in all, its not such a great idea to be dependent on pain killers. That brings us to an important question; what is to be done if pain killers are to be avoided? The answer is meditation.


There have been so many studies done on meditation and its impact on the mind and body. However, some studies concluded recently in the US clearly demonstrate the pain relieving effects of meditation and relaxation techniques to be found in Yoga. A few minutes of meditation everyday has found to have better pain relieving effects than even powerful drugs such as morphine.

Individuals groping with pain who incorporated yoga relaxation techniques and meditation techniques were found to have much calmer brain scans, reduction in actual pain and a significant reduction in even emotional pain.

In a clinical setting and under observation it was found that four twenty meditation sessions greatly improve pain treatment in patients with even chronic pain caused by serious diseases or surgeries. This was reported by a study in the Journal of Neuroscience.


These results combined with many others are very interesting for us. All of us who have become dependent on pain killers, over the counter pain medication, paracetamol and other more serious drugs now have a choice. Just by twenty minutes of meditation in a day, which is totally free, one can become, ‘pain free’ and lead great lives. Most of the times, it is not a disease or the surgery which is the problem, but the pain perception which causes disruption in our lives.

Imagine not having migraines, chronic headaches, unexplained body aches, pain related to arthritis and orthopedic problems and other pains not explained by pathology. We can actually move on to being active and lead active lives, free of pain.


The best programs to get you on the path to being painless are to be found on . Start with our stress management program which has all of the best techniques incorporated. In ninety days your life will start improving and by the time a year is over, you will be a changed person. Alternatively, you could also start with these techniques explained in this video given below.

In case you have any queries, please do write to us at and we shall be happy to help you out with a suitable online yoga program or meditation techniques. 


By Team Wellzee | December 18th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT



The World over we talk about obesity, weight and fat percentages. We all tend to ignore an increasing waistline especially when we are young. By the time we reach middle age, our waistlines are well set at different levels. In fact, in today’s World, even the young have waistlines which are above normal. We do not really bother so long as we are active or young. A lot of times, we read information on the internet and feel happy if our body fat percentage is below prescribed limits or our waist to hip ratios are fine. What we do need to ask is that is our waist larger than what is required?


Various researches are now showing that a bulging waistline is more of a health concern than overall body fat percentages, body mass index and waist to hip ratios. Even if these are normal, the absolute waist size determines your future health status. This is a much better indicator of health than the other parameters. The other parameters and ideal guidelines are BMI or Body Mass Index and Waist to Hip Ratio. A greater than 0.5 waist to hip ratio is a strong indicator of high blood pressure and a BMI of greater than 25% is a strong indicator of being over weight.

Another surprising fact to be found is that the more affluent you are, the higher is the waistline as well obesity. The most affluent (especially women) have much higher waistlines followed by the middle income group and the least is to be found in lower income groups. Therefore, there is a clear link established now between comfort, lack of of physical activities and eating the wrong kind of foods. This link is much stronger in countries like India where the rich are fat and unhealthy and the poor are thinner but more healthy. However, This gap is fast decreasing and the poor are also getting fatter by the day thanks to availability of processed and junk foods at low prices and jobs which require less of physical effort.


There are different parameters of absolute waist size based on genetics, race, age and activity levels. However, there are two broad guidelines which have been established now for South Asians and for Caucasians for absolute waistline size.

a) For Caucasians the maximum recommended waistline is 35.4 inches for men and 31.4 inches for women.

b) For South Asians, it was the same waist recommendation till now. However, studies conducted in India show that anything above 31.2 inches for men and 29 inches for women starts increasing the risk for cardio metabolic diseases like diabetes, cardiovascular problems and high blood pressure. Of course, there are many other factors at play and one need not be too worried if you are really healthy and practicing Yoga on a regular basis.


If we go by these cut off recommendations even by caucasian standards, more than one third of people in India, China and many parts of the World including the USA are fat or over limit. Even children below thirteen are facing this problem and all young people from between thirteen to thirty are getting visibly fat.


These facts are not merely observations or something alarmist. So many researches over years in various countries have clearly shown that men and women with waistlines higher than the recommended limits are at between a twelve and twenty times higher risk of getting diabetes, high blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, breast and endometrial cancer. The younger you are with higher waistlines, the younger you develop these diseases. This is being especially being observed in South Asian countries where men and women even in their late twenties and thirties are increasingly getting these chronic diseases.


These problems occur because of the quality of fat that accumulates in the abdominal region. Even if your BMI and overall fat percentage is fine, the fat which resides in the abdominal and waist regions causes problems. This fat is known as visceral fat and is primarily responsible for releasing certain hormones and fatty acids in the blood. These cause an increase in blood glucose, hormonal imbalances and also cause inflammation of the immune system. Prolonged exposure to these factors over a period of time result in various diseases appearing even in apparently healthy individuals.


There are specific reasons which have been found which trigger accumulation of fat in the abdominal region apart from heredity (which actually plays only a small role). Most of the causes which have been identified are what are popularly known as lifestyle causes. The most important of these are:

  • Stress
  • Processed and packaged foods
  • Regular physical activity levels (and not just once a day exercise regimes)
  • Excess actual and hidden sugar intake
  • Eating more than required.


There are so many solutions which are simple to implement and we should all do. However, we get lazy and ignore all of these under various excuses. Some of these are:

  1. Regular exercise
  2. Regular movement and physical activities through the day
  3. Stop processed and packaged foods and junk food
  4. Reduce outside food
  5. Reduce or stop alcohol and sugar laden foods
  6. Manage stress

However, it has been found that one discipline takes care of all these at one go. That is Yoga. So start practicing authentic India based and genuine Yoga to take care of your waistline. Find the best online yoga programs to suit your needs on wellzee and get results within ninety days.


By Team Wellzee | November 18th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT



Diwali and Christmas is a time for celebration across the Country. New clothes, loads of sinful food, festivities, fire crackers and fun for most people. However, this can be a really harrowing time for those suffering from asthma or from mild respiratory disorders. This time of the year in India leads to a spike in respiratory problems due to a combination of factors. Some of these are changing weather patterns, increase in allergens, onset of colder climates, smog combined with air and noise pollution and unhealthy food. All of these can cause challenges to the hardiest of individuals.

Factors Triggering Asthma during Diwali and Winter

For those prone to respiratory disorders, the festival season can fast become stressful. The following are factors which trigger asthma:

a) Changing weather patterns – The weather at this time is changing from October heat moving into winter. So it is neither hot nor cold. Changing temperatures trigger asthma due to non-uniformity of temperatures. Further, many individuals cannot tolerate cold climates.

b) Lack of breeze and increase in allergens – During this season, there is a lack of breeze and air movement. So various allergy causing substances remain lower in the atmosphere, increasing chances of causing asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis and other respiratory disorders.

c) Air pollution – Most of our cities and towns are heavily polluted. This pollution increases with smog which hangs low in the air. This is further compounded by smoke from fire crackers all around. Smoke from crackers, dhoops and agarbattis causes asthma. This smoke does not dissipate for a few weeks to even two to three months.

d) Noise pollution – We may not be aware but high noise levels causes stress which can trigger asthma attacks. Loud firecrackers, screaming, shouting, honking and congestion in public places can be troublesome.

e) Food – During Diwali, Christmas, New Year, we tend to eat lots of sweets, rich foods and fried foods. We also celebrate together as families and have family dinners, food parties and late dinners. We tend to over eat and have lots of heavy food. Asthma is triggered by indigestion, gas, excess sugar and rich foods.

However, we need not despair. There are quite a few things we can do to ensure we have an asthma free winter. In fact, if we follow some of these tips, we can enjoy all the lovely food and family celebrations.

Fifteen Tips to Keep Away Asthma:

  1. Every morning, sip a glass of warm water on an empty stomach and then gargle your throat with warm water. Wait for half an hour before you eat anything.
  2. Through the day, eat all the goodies you want but have very small quantities. Example; have a small mithai or four to five pieces of nuts. If you want to have something fried, have very small portions. If you like to have paranthas and similar food, restrict quantities.
  3. Eat four to six times a day if you have to but eat very small portions. Avoid having heavy meals after 9 p.m. If you can, finish your dinner by 8 and then only have some fruits if you have to.
  4. Before going to bed, sip a glass (250 to 300 ml) of warm water. This will help clear digestion as well as pollutants from the respiratory system.
  5. Keep your feet, ears and head covered even while in the house. Wear socks at home. When going out, keep your head and ears covered. Make sure you do not sit below the fan after washing your hair or going in windy weather.
  6. Whenever you feel uneasy, take steam inhalation (without adding anything in the water).
  7. Once a day, keep a hot water bag on your chest, back and stomach if you feel you have irregular breathing.
  8. If you have a mild attack, you can have some black coffee or ginger tea or green tea.
  9. Try and sip a glass of fresh turmeric milk (haldi) with breakfast or anytime during the day.
  10. If you exercise or go for walks, make sure you do it after sunrise (after 7 a.m.) or in the late afternoons between 4.00 p.m and 7.00 p.m. Very early mornings and late evenings, smog descends lower in the atmosphere causing breathing difficulties.
  11. Avoid places where there is a lot of smoke. If you want to go out, then keep your face covered with a handkerchief.
  12. Totally avoid alcohol and smoking. These are bad for asthmatics anyway, but at this time, these are especially dangerous.
  13. Sit down quietly and take twenty to thirty deep and slow breaths. Do this thrice a day. However, do not do this if you have an asthma attack.
  14. Practice Yoga. One of the best online yoga programs is to be found on
  15. Do not forget to have your medications as given by your doctor. In our excitement and enthusiasm we may forget this. Also keep your inhalers handy if you are traveling.

However, the most important tip is to be very joyous and happy this festive and winter season. It has been found that if you do not think about asthma, you do not get an asthma attack, even if you are in heavy smog or pollution. This is precisely why it is called a psychosomatic disease. If the mind is happy and occupied, you will forget asthma. So have a great time this winter and enjoy lights, colors, food and festivities.

Gaurang Chandarana is a Health & Wellness Expert and can be reached on for queries and health tips.


By Team Wellzee | October 27th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT

Festival Time

India is in the midst of the festival season. Starting with Ganesh Chaturthi, Navratri, Vijayadashmi, Diwali and ending with Christmas. At this time the weather undergoes a change across the country from wet and hot to October heat to autumn. Winters are getting deferred and cold weather is now a bit in arriving. This time is challenging for most people with poor immune systems, diseases or those prone to illnesses. Making this worse is the proliferation of viruses and problems like dengue, malaria and viral fevers. Asthma and other respiratory diseases also shoot up at this time.

Factors For Increased Illness

There are many reasons why illnesses increase or worsen at this time. Some of the most significant reasons are:

a) Erratic weather – The weather at this time is erratic. It is hot at times and suddenly becomes cool. There are showers and it ranges from very sunny to cloudy. Temperature fluctuations are high. This leads to triggering immunity related problems, especially breathing problems.

b) Still air and allergens – During this season, the air is very still and there is less breeze. Allergens, smoke and other pollutants remain low in the air. We inhale these, causing various problems. In addition, this is the right time for air bound sicknesses to spread as well.

c) Atmospheric pollution – Most of the towns and cities in India are very heavily polluted. Pollution combined with colder weather results in smog which hangs low. Added to this are pollutants like smoke from fire crackers and indoor smoke from dhoops and agarbattis. This pollution and irritants tend to make us sick.

d) Noise pollution – Festive seasons in India are very loud and consistently noisy. It is a proven fact that high levels of noise cause stress and weaken the immune system leading to diseases or becoming susceptible to viruses.

e) Food – Indians are not really known to eat healthy food. However, this becomes worse during festivals. We tend to go overboard under the garb of festivals and gorge on lots of sweets, rich foods and fried foods. We also celebrate together as families and have family dinners, food parties and late dinners. We tend to drink a lot, over eat and have lots of heavy food. It is no wonder that we fall ill.

However, there are quite a few things we can do which can keep us healthy during festivals. Some of the following tips derived from the body of Yoga will go a long way in enjoying festivals.

  • Every morning on waking up and before going to bed, sip a glass of warm water (250 to 300 ml). This will not only help keep your respiratory tract in order but also keep your digestion, healthy.
  • Through the day, eat all the fancy food you want but have very small quantities. Example; have small pieces of mithai or four to five pieces of nuts. If you want to have something fried, have very small portions. If you like rich food, restrict the quantities.
  • Eat less food each time but eat for four to six times a day. Avoid having large meals after 8 p.m. As this will put a strain on all your systems. If you feel hungry later, you may have a small cup of milk or a fruit.
  • Try and sip a glass of fresh turmeric milk (haldi) with breakfast or anytime during the day. Hot turmeric milk will help you maintain your immunity.
  • If you want to exercise or go outdoors for walks, make sure you do it after sunrise or before 8 p.m. During very early mornings and late evenings, smog descends lower in the atmosphere causing pollutants to enter your system.
  • Avoid places where there is a lot of smoke. If you want to go out, then keep your face covered with a handkerchief. Definitely avoid firecrackers and noisy places.
  • Totally avoid alcohol and smoking. These are not too great anyway.
  • Practice Yoga. One of the best free online yoga programs is to be found on

However, the most important tip is to be very joyous and happy this festive season. If the mind is happy and occupied, you will forget diseases or infections. So have a great time this Diwali and enjoy lights, colors, food and festivities with wellzee balanced diet plans and yoga programs.


By Team Wellzee | October 22nd, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT


Yoga consists of many practices which include asanas, pranayamas, kriyas, meditation, diet and lifestyle. All of these in combination have a hugely beneficial impact on the physiology of the body.


These are physical practices and work on the body at various levels. They help restore neuro muscular balance, improve the spine and impact all the internal organs. Asanas are the only form of discipline which are isotonic, isometric, weight bearing and cardiovascular in nature. These help maintain muscular tone and keep us healthy and fortified against viruses and harmful bacteria. Asanas work at a cellular level and take your body to its best natural level when practiced over a period of time.


Pranayamas are various breathing techniques which help the body physiologically and psychologically. The immune strengthens greatly and the functioning of the internal organs is improved. It has been found that there is a benefical effect in a lot of chronic diseases and conditions. Additionally, the mind gets calmer and there is an improvement in the functioning of the brain. Various neurons get activated and it also helps regenerate dormant parts of the brain. This helps the central and peripheral system to improve. The net result is minimal diseases and very good brain power.


Kriyas are the cleansing processes which help remove impurities from the body. There are known to be around fifty of these, divided in six categories. Some of the more popular ones include, jalaneti, sutraneti, kunjal kriya, dhauti, kapalabhati and trataka. These help the body to get rid of impurities and strengthen the immune system. In addition, they help increase energy, improve the quality of blood and some of them benefit the brain.


The benefits of meditation are now well known. It helps in stress management, control and manage internal body processes and greatly help the body in healing even chronic diseases like cancer and HIV. This is in addition to make you calmer and improve brain power.

Yogic Diet

Diet as prescribed in Yoga is a way of eating. The main parts of a yogic diet are what to eat, when to eat, how much to eat and how to eat. Our online and balanced diet plans are based on these fundamentals. The net result is a calm mind, better health and less chances of infections.

The Immune System

The immune system is not an organ or a single unit in the body. It is a variety of cells to be found in various parts of the body including the blood, endocrine glands and other regions. They assess the threat of a virus or bacteria and fight them as required. We are bombarded with hundreds and thousands of different foreign elements everyday. It is the immune system which takes care of these. There are ‘marker’ cells which identify a target, helper cells which assist in the fight and ‘fighter’ cells which attack the viruses and kill them. A consistently inflamed immune system or one with the incorrect combination of cells weakens the body and becomes susceptible to various diseases.

All the Yoga aspects mentioned above directly impact the immune system in three ways:

  • Reduces inflammation of the immune system
  • Improves quality and its functioning by as much as fifty percent or more
  • Reduces stress. Reduction of stress is now linked to reduction in diseases and even in managing chronic diseases.

These benefits of Yoga and all its elements is the key to a healthy immune system and a disease free life. Even if you have a disease, you can lead a very healthy life with Yoga. Do check out one of our online yoga programs to have a great immune system.


By Team Wellzee | September 4th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT


After you have put on weight, do you find it difficult to lose it? Are you under the impression that you have to really exercise hard and do a lot of dieting to lose weight? If you are grappling with this, then you need not worry. There is a very simple and effective online yoga program which will help you to lose weight in just ninety days. Before we get into this program, let us look at some of the facts related to weight loss.

Being Overweight is a Problem

Various studies have shown that more than one third of the world is now obese and this figure is expected to cross fifty percent. Obesity and being over weight leads to most diseases including those which cause death. These are non-communicable or lifestyle diseases and include; high blood pressure, diabetes, cardiac Problems, respiratory problems, digestive problems, ulcers and much more. On the physical and mental side, our life becomes dull and we are unable to do what we want or wear what we want due to excess weight. We start losing interest in many things and this also leads to mental problems.

Do Not Work Out In Common Spaces

There are many aspects about weight loss and exercise which are lesser known. It has been found that more than two thirds of the people who are fat do not like to exercise in the presence of others. Individuals who are fat do not like to be seen in exercise spaces or Yoga studios where there are a lot of more fit, toned and flexible people who work out. The sub-conscious comparison factor comes in, which is demotivating.

Fitness Experts Do Not Have Answers

Today’s exercise and ‘gym culture’ is propagating a lot of myths. If you are fat and want to lose weight, fitness experts, trainers and gymnasiums are the wrong sources of correct information. A lot of people give up on exercise because the focus is on exercising long and hard and ‘sweating it out’. This problem is compounded by scary diet plans and eating excess protein. More protein for an overweight person actually leads to more weight and fat. Therefore, for most people, this approach seems too impractical and even intimidating. Also, the popular exercises done or taught these days are counterproductive for over weight persons. They can cause injuries and physiological damage. However, one need not despair. There is a very safe and effective way to lose weight.

Yoga For Weight Loss In Seven Days

The best way to lose weight is through Yoga asanas. In this article, we will show you seven asanas you can do which will lead to quick and safe weight loss in just ninety days. Any healthy person in any age group can practice these at their convenience. You can practice at home at your convenience. You will not require any equipment, clothes, diet plans or pills. There are just seven asanas in this program.

Benefits Of The 7 Step Yoga Program.

The benefits of this program are many. You will lose weight gently and safely. You will start seeing great results in ninety days. You will become more energetic and also get rid of ailments, aches and pains, if any. Fat retention will reduce and overall strength will improve.

Who Can Do This Program?

Any healthy individual in most age groups can practice this online yoga program. You need ro practice between five and seven times a week for at least ninety days. This program should not be done by those with high blood pressure, heart ailments, diabetes, orthopedic problems, other major diseases and pregnant ladies. Please check with a doctor before you start any program. The links of the seven asanas in the sequence in which they are to be done, are given below:

Tiryaka tadasana –

Konasana 3 –

Druta Utkatasana –

Virbhadrasana series –

Chakki Chalsana –

Padachakrasana –

Savasana –


By Team Wellzee | August 24th, 2015 | LEAVE A COMMENT


The world over there is a lot of focus on weight loss. There are strength training and yoga programs, online diet plans and supplements which are available. Many could be useful for you. Some may not be. One can only try out and see what works for you. Also, what works for one individual need not work for another individual. So there is no common standard as such. The only discipline which works for hundred percent of all people, is Yoga.

Key Fitness Factor

Whichever form of exercise or routine you decide to take up, you need to know how it works and what is the impact on the body. The main part of the body which is crucial for physical fitness, internal health as well as weight loss, is the spine. The entire portion starting from the base of the brain at the back and going right down to the upper tip of your buttocks, is the backbone or the spine. We must remember that any exercise we do, this should not get strained a lot.

Stretching The Spine

There is one important factor for spine health. That is stretching on a regular basis. By regular basis, we mean a few times in the day. It has to be gentle and slow. Also, the spine needs to be stretched in six different ways. The best disciplines are those which incorporate all these six types in a gentle way. These six ways are:

  • Upward stretch
  • Side bend or side stretch
  • Side twist or twisting on both sides
  • Backward bend
  • Forward bend
  • Inversion

Link Between Spine And Weight Loss

When all these are done on a daily basis, the spine becomes supple and flexible. It improves body metabolism and can take on much more load, facilitating weight loss. It has been found that obesity and back or cervical problems are linked. If you are sedentary and do not exercise your spine, you start putting on weight and also get aches and orthopedic problems.

You may have also noticed that over weight persons sooner or later have some back or cervical related problem. This enhances other ancillary problems like sciatica and arthritis. To break this cycle, even if you are already over weight, start working on the spine first. The rest will automatically follow. Begin with gentle stretches of four types – upward, sideways, twist and backward. When you are fitter, you could start forward bends and much later, you may try inversions.

Combine Walking And Stretching

With this, start walking as much as you can. Walk in the morning or evening like an exercise. However, also be on your feet as much as you can. Walk when you talk on the phone or while doing chores. If you take public transport, get off one station or stop before and walk to your destination. A combination of stretching and walking is excellent for both; spine health and weight loss.

Practices For The Spine

There are many gentle practices for the spine. These can be done by anyone irrespective of health status or age. If you have no health problems, you could twist and bend a little more but more is not necessarily better. Let us look at some of the hatha yoga asanas which are very good:

  • Tadasana or the palm tree pose.
  • Tiryaka Tadasana or the swaying tree pose.
  • Konasana or Trikonasana or side bending poses.
  • Toe touching or angle pose.
  • Standing Bhujangasana (cobra pose) & Standing Salabhasana (locust pose).
  • Standing, seated or lying down Vakarasana or twisting pose.

All of these can be done in a sequence three times a day on an empty stomach; before breakfast, before lunch and before supper. You could do them at your desk or at home. When you are doing standing poses, you do not need any mats, equipment or special clothing.

Spine Health Routine

If you need some guidance and a good routine to practice on a daily basis, you should check out the office fitness routine and practice it daily. It is a great beginning to healthy and long term yoga for weight loss.